View Profile Woadraiders
15 yrs old, been programming flash for two years at the end of April. I write tutorials and samples to put on my blog Mibbygames.com and I'm currently working on Moosetank. I'm on the Madsoft staff, http://www.madsoftga mes.net/company/staf f.html

Kevin Stubbs @Woadraiders

Age 31, Male

Eat. Sleep. Program.

Redmond Highschool

Under a rock.

Joined on 11/11/07

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My Programming Credentials

Posted by Woadraiders - January 15th, 2008

I'll leave this up for anyone that might be interested in making a game with me to see my credentials.


Updated links - Feb 04. Can't believe the patriots lost, it sucks.

My contact info is at the end of the post.

Couple I shouldn't post right now, but are coming along nice :P.

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/040208 /1750_UnrealMadness.php

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/040208 /1577_PumpkinAdventure.php

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/040208 /1697_KashKashAttack.php
A/D to move left and right, W to jump, S to duck, C to shoot, Space to attack with the sword.

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/040208 /1713_CupcakeTestVCAM.php
Arrows to move, A to punch/pick up weapon. A W.I.P

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140108 /64709_Alien.php
WASD to move, Q/E to switch weapons, A/S to attack.
A W.I.P with a very slow artist

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140108 /64755_Dodge_Dive_Duck.php
A little experiment i toyed around with.
W to jump, S to duck, D to dive

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140108 /64844_MetalSlugV8.php
The artist quit early on ( i put the bearhead on for fun).
A to shoot, S to jump, D to toss a grenade (the longer you hold it down the farther it goes).
Left and right arrows to move.

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140108 /64967_Parachute.php
Quick game I did with Stupid_Saint.

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140108 /65145_RPG.php
So.. this one's a bit more complicated. Drag you're sword from the inventory onto you're equipment and click to release it, you can drag other items on and off your equipment as well.
Close you're inventory or press I.
Move around with WASD, you automatically turn to the mouse.
Right now you have your zap equipped, C to cast, you can change to you're fireshot by clicking the icon in your weapon tab up top. Try that, and then go to you're sword, SPACE attacks.
You can cast spells on the dummy to deal damage to it.
You can go near NPC's and click on them to initiate a conversation.
I was working on the blacksmith when i stopped, so it doesn't work right now, also the biggest guy there doesn't have a conversation set up yet.
Done months ago, before summer! Never found an artist for it.

AIM - moltobennecereal
MSN/Email - woadraiders@hotmail.com
Yahoo - woadraiders


You are very talented, saddley im in flash for animation... mabey i should learn some script, cant be that hard right bud

Exuse me, did you program and animate that?

No, just programmed. I can animate, just not so good :P.

yea,i don't have control over the stupid name my parents gave me

sry bro, but unless its not your picture up there in your profile, you not the one who made the rpg in this post. First thing I noticed was the HUGE watermarks everywhere with the name kevin stubbs... and I know the kid, he was in my gr.11 java programming class. Don't steal shit kid.

Hey asshole, you don't think I did that? I'll prove it to you, why don't I just put the name Woadraiders in there? Of course I watermarked it so no one else would steal it. I'm a freshman and I actually coincidently happened to take an AP java programming class at Ipswich High School.